A night with Heinzelcheese at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

The Cheese Berlin festival at Markthalle Neun (2 – 4 November 2018) will culminate with a grand showdown on 5 November 2018 at Nobelhart & Schmutzig.
Some of the world’s best cheesemakers will be in our fair city. That’s right, here in Berlin — in a region not particularly known for its local cheesy delights. Which is precisely why it’s so vital that the finest fromagers from Europe and the world descend here to rub elbows with local milk producers, broadening the local base of knowledge on what really matters when it comes to making cheese. Because we believe in the potential for the regional cheese scene to grow bigger and better.
Our cuisine is vocally local, and proudly so. You know that. We’re constantly looking for the true taste of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg and the Baltic Sea.
From the start, our eatery has featured mature homemade raw milk butter and freshly coagulated milk. What we don’t usually have is cheese, which is, taken literally, milk that has been ripened and made less perishable. In advance of this particular evening, though, we’ve been trying out a selection of some of the world’s best and most distinctive cheeses. We want to find out what our region really does well. Vocally local cheese should distill down our origins, reflecting the landscapes, seasons, weather, animals and people that live here.
Micha Schäfer will be cooking a menu to complement the cheeses. We’ll be tasting and hearing the vocally local stories from cheesemakers hailing from the Alps, from the North Sea and from the Pacific, from the Dutch lowlands and from southwest England – naturally, of course, with something lovely in our glasses to accompany each cheese selection.
Spots are limited, we recommend getting in now.
Topic: “Heinzelcheese / Nobelhart & Schmutzig” Date: Monday, 5 November 2018 | 7:00 pm
Cost: A shockingly affordable €200 per person | Reservations will be confirmed once payment is received.
Included: Menu & accompanying drinks from Micha Schäfer & Andreas Fissel | Cheese moderation by Ursula “Heinzelcheese” Heinzelmann, who will be interviewing the world’s finest cheesemakers between courses | An evening at Nobelhart & Schmutzig
Location: Speiselokal Nobelhart & Schmutzig | Friedrichstraße 218 | 10969 Berlin
Please contact us directly at or by phone at +49 30 259 40610.
You can fax us if you want at +49 30 259 40611 (is that still a thing?)
A night with Heinzelcheese at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

The Cheese Berlin festival at Markthalle Neun (2 – 4 November 2018) will culminate with a grand showdown on 5 November 2018 at Nobelhart & Schmutzig.
Some of the world’s best cheesemakers will be in our fair city. That’s right, here in Berlin — in a region not particularly known for its local cheesy delights. Which is precisely why it’s so vital that the finest fromagers from Europe and the world descend here to rub elbows with local milk producers, broadening the local base of knowledge on what really matters when it comes to making cheese. Because we believe in the potential for the regional cheese scene to grow bigger and better.
Our cuisine is vocally local, and proudly so. You know that. We’re constantly looking for the true taste of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg and the Baltic Sea.
From the start, our eatery has featured mature homemade raw milk butter and freshly coagulated milk. What we don’t usually have is cheese, which is, taken literally, milk that has been ripened and made less perishable. In advance of this particular evening, though, we’ve been trying out a selection of some of the world’s best and most distinctive cheeses. We want to find out what our region really does well. Vocally local cheese should distill down our origins, reflecting the landscapes, seasons, weather, animals and people that live here.
Micha Schäfer will be cooking a menu to complement the cheeses. We’ll be tasting and hearing the vocally local stories from cheesemakers hailing from the Alps, from the North Sea and from the Pacific, from the Dutch lowlands and from southwest England – naturally, of course, with something lovely in our glasses to accompany each cheese selection.
Spots are limited, we recommend getting in now.
Topic: “Heinzelcheese / Nobelhart & Schmutzig” Date: Monday, 5 November 2018 | 7:00 pm
Cost: A shockingly affordable €200 per person | Reservations will be confirmed once payment is received.
Included: Menu & accompanying drinks from Micha Schäfer & Andreas Fissel | Cheese moderation by Ursula “Heinzelcheese” Heinzelmann, who will be interviewing the world’s finest cheesemakers between courses | An evening at Nobelhart & Schmutzig
Location: Speiselokal Nobelhart & Schmutzig | Friedrichstraße 218 | 10969 Berlin
Please contact us directly at or by phone at +49 30 259 40610.
You can fax us if you want at +49 30 259 40611 (is that still a thing?)