An exceptional debut. In Berlin – where else – and timed for the RAW Fair. Emidio Pepe is back in Germany

Monday, 28 November 2016 | 200.00 EUR per cover | Menu of Micha Schäfer | Wines by »Emidio Pepe« | You list to Chiara de Iiulis Pepe & Martin Kössler | For reservation send us an e-mail to
The money quote comes from Emilio Foradori, of Azienda Agricola Foradori in Trentino, Italy: “When we’re in New York City at the annual in-house exhibition of our New York importer, it’s not the big, insanely expensive Bordeaux or super-rare Burgundies that get drained first. It’s Emidio Pepe.” Don’t know him?
Montepulcino from Abruzzo. That’s the northern section of southern Italy. It’s home to a winegrowing estate that is a star in America, Italy and Japan but remains under the radar in Germany. Even the German “wine aficionados” who roam the halls of Prowein and the Weinbörse in Mainz, the types who probably read Gambero Rosso and swing by Barolo or Barbaresco for top years, tend to say: Montepulcino? Emidio Pepe? Who’s that?
It’s taken a lot of hard work on our side, but these wines are now once again reliably available in Germany. It hasn’t always been that way. Back in the 80s, the wines were driven up to Germany in the trunk of Emidio’s car, with Emidio himself at the wheel. He accompanied them personally on their route through Austria along the famed Brenner Autobahn to Germany, eventually reaching Munich, Hamburg and West Berlin. Over time, the contact faded and other wineries from other regions took hold of the German consciousness. Emidio’s wines simply weren’t to be had here. Working with Kössler & Ulbricht Wine Merchants of Nuremberg, we are now offering you the chance to charm your palate with these truly distinctive wines, in a range never before seen in Germany.
The following wines will be served
Pecorino 2014
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo 2012
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo 2009
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo 2004
Montepulciano 2010
Montepulciano 2007
Montepulciano 2002
Montepulciano 2001
Montepulciano 1983
Montepulciano 1974
Everything nowadays has to be organic or even biodyamic. Less oak — or none at all — and low sulfur levels too. A young winemaker tasting her way through the cool wine bars in New York, London, Paris and Copenhagen will encounter almost nothing else. And each bottle follows a similar pattern. The wines are all seeking to be authentic, liberated and reflective of their region. Estates like Emidio Pepe were the ones who created that mold. Not because it’s trendy, but rather because it’s the only logical way to make wine!
The first official vintage from Emidio Pepe came in 1964. From the start, he used none of the pesticides that were so common then as now. The wines have never seen oak. Since the 70s, they’ve been aged in concrete or concrete with glass. Emidio reacts poorly to sulfur additives in wine, so his wines have never had sulfur added.
Please be sure to let us know about any allergies or food sensitivities. Due to the extremely limited seating, we recommend reserving your table early by phone at +49 (30) 259 4061 0 or by email at .
We kindly ask for your understanding that all reservations must be paid in advance by bank transfer. Due to extremely limited seating arrangements, we can only bindingly confirm your reservation once payment is received.
Chiara de Iiulis Pepe, Martin Kössler, Billy Wagner and the party crowd »Nobelharts«
An exceptional debut. In Berlin – where else – and timed for the RAW Fair. Emidio Pepe is back in Germany

Monday, 28 November 2016 | 200.00 EUR per cover | Menu of Micha Schäfer | Wines by »Emidio Pepe« | You list to Chiara de Iiulis Pepe & Martin Kössler | For reservation send us an e-mail to
The money quote comes from Emilio Foradori, of Azienda Agricola Foradori in Trentino, Italy: “When we’re in New York City at the annual in-house exhibition of our New York importer, it’s not the big, insanely expensive Bordeaux or super-rare Burgundies that get drained first. It’s Emidio Pepe.” Don’t know him?
Montepulcino from Abruzzo. That’s the northern section of southern Italy. It’s home to a winegrowing estate that is a star in America, Italy and Japan but remains under the radar in Germany. Even the German “wine aficionados” who roam the halls of Prowein and the Weinbörse in Mainz, the types who probably read Gambero Rosso and swing by Barolo or Barbaresco for top years, tend to say: Montepulcino? Emidio Pepe? Who’s that?
It’s taken a lot of hard work on our side, but these wines are now once again reliably available in Germany. It hasn’t always been that way. Back in the 80s, the wines were driven up to Germany in the trunk of Emidio’s car, with Emidio himself at the wheel. He accompanied them personally on their route through Austria along the famed Brenner Autobahn to Germany, eventually reaching Munich, Hamburg and West Berlin. Over time, the contact faded and other wineries from other regions took hold of the German consciousness. Emidio’s wines simply weren’t to be had here. Working with Kössler & Ulbricht Wine Merchants of Nuremberg, we are now offering you the chance to charm your palate with these truly distinctive wines, in a range never before seen in Germany.
The following wines will be served
Pecorino 2014
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo 2012
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo 2009
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo 2004
Montepulciano 2010
Montepulciano 2007
Montepulciano 2002
Montepulciano 2001
Montepulciano 1983
Montepulciano 1974
Everything nowadays has to be organic or even biodyamic. Less oak — or none at all — and low sulfur levels too. A young winemaker tasting her way through the cool wine bars in New York, London, Paris and Copenhagen will encounter almost nothing else. And each bottle follows a similar pattern. The wines are all seeking to be authentic, liberated and reflective of their region. Estates like Emidio Pepe were the ones who created that mold. Not because it’s trendy, but rather because it’s the only logical way to make wine!
The first official vintage from Emidio Pepe came in 1964. From the start, he used none of the pesticides that were so common then as now. The wines have never seen oak. Since the 70s, they’ve been aged in concrete or concrete with glass. Emidio reacts poorly to sulfur additives in wine, so his wines have never had sulfur added.
Please be sure to let us know about any allergies or food sensitivities. Due to the extremely limited seating, we recommend reserving your table early by phone at +49 (30) 259 4061 0 or by email at .
We kindly ask for your understanding that all reservations must be paid in advance by bank transfer. Due to extremely limited seating arrangements, we can only bindingly confirm your reservation once payment is received.
Chiara de Iiulis Pepe, Martin Kössler, Billy Wagner and the party crowd »Nobelharts«