With Covid as with sex, you should never assume consent.

You need to ask, communicate. And respond with empathy if other people’s boundaries are different from your own.

Now on @theworlds50best@billywagnerwirt on the challenges of reopening during coronavirus.

“I found myself in a situation every woman knows only too well: I went along with something that made me deeply uncomfortable, because I wasn’t sure whether I was somehow indebted to him, and because I was worried that my reasons for not wanting proximity would either not be listened to or dismissed outright. I would once again be the unrelaxed stickler, the spoilsport. Something I am not and never wanted to be.”



Photocredits Caroline Prange @CAROLINSKI_BERLINSKI

With Covid as with sex, you should never assume consent.

25. May 2020

You need to ask, communicate. And respond with empathy if other people’s boundaries are different from your own.

Now on @theworlds50best@billywagnerwirt on the challenges of reopening during coronavirus.

“I found myself in a situation every woman knows only too well: I went along with something that made me deeply uncomfortable, because I wasn’t sure whether I was somehow indebted to him, and because I was worried that my reasons for not wanting proximity would either not be listened to or dismissed outright. I would once again be the unrelaxed stickler, the spoilsport. Something I am not and never wanted to be.”



Photocredits Caroline Prange @CAROLINSKI_BERLINSKI