Ten years of Nobelhart

Ten years of Nobelhart

Sometimes, things go wrong in the best possible way. We’re thinking here of the tiny, insignificant mishap that happened to Micha just ahead of our opening on February 11th, 2025. You see, as we were in the midst of our preparations, …

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A Brand New Burgundy: Vin Noé

A Brand New Burgundy: Vin Noé

High-priced, exclusive, heavy with tradition. Burgundy’s certainly got a reputation, and it’s not for nothing either. But the last 15 years have ushered in some exciting new developments, and a different set of associations now comes to mind. Burgundy? …

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We’re letting it rip this New Year’s Eve!

We’re letting it rip this New Year’s Eve!

Yes, we’ve only been serving six courses since April, but we’re not letting that stop us – on New Year’s Eve, different rules apply. We’ll be cooking up a storm of Nobelhart winter favourites, 10 courses in total…

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Are kids welcome at Nobelhart & Schmutzig?

Are kids welcome at Nobelhart & Schmutzig?

A few days ago we received an email that really made us think. A guest was asking whether they could possibly bring along their 8-year-old daughter, understanding, of course, that children might not be welcome, that our restaurant might be for adults only…

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KAFD™ – No AfD, ever

KAFD™ – No AfD, ever

We are German’s most political restaurant. KAFD™ is #politicalfashion. Their sweatshirts, hoodies, t-shirts and scarfs are not just produced in Europe from 100% certified eco-materials, but they carry a message that is now more important than ever: KAFD – No AfD…

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Königsberger Klopse –  Tuesday till Thursday in March

Königsberger Klopse – Tuesday till Thursday in March

Königsberger Klopse are one of the few authentic classics of North German cuisine – deliciously moreish little meatballs made of veal in creamy white sauce with capers. Any self-respecting German grandma has her own signature recipe, and we’d be loath to compete with that…

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New Year’s Eve 2023/2024

New Year’s Eve 2023/2024

So let’s be clear: Things are just a little different in 2023. That’s why we’ve got two options for you to spend a properly Nobelhart New Year’s Eve…

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Your Christmas party at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

Your Christmas party at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

Call it what you will: your company Christmas party, the annual piss up, etc. Either way, the year is nearly over, and that calls for a celebration. Gather your colleagues, family or friends and join us for an uncomplicated but satisfying…

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Pork Roast Wednesday & Thursday

Pork Roast Wednesday & Thursday

If you were going to watch your cholesterol, don’t expect us to help. It’ll be worth it though, promise: from the 4th of October, we’d love for you to join us for a deliciously juicy pork roast….

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A very special Sunday opening (15 October 2023)

A very special Sunday opening (15 October 2023)

Sundays are sacred to Billy, but with Benoît Tarlant in town, we thought we might as well open the whole restaurant. So if you’re usually busy between Tuesdays and Saturdays, here is your opportunity to come and spend a Nobelhart evening. We’ll be charging 175 EUR for the menu…

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2023 – Our recommendations while we are on vacation

2023 – Our recommendations while we are on vacation

So, at this point you’ve figured out that we’re closed for our summer break. Chances are we’re at the beach or enjoying an ice cream – perhaps both. None of which is very helpful for you, we know. You’re probably hungry and looking for someplace to get a bite to eat and maybe something nice to wash it down with.

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Chicken Wednesday

Chicken Wednesday

There are breast people and there are leg people. We don’t play favourites – at least not when it comes to Odefey + Toechter chicken, easily the best this side of the Republic …

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The World’s 17th Best

The World’s 17th Best

Some people ask us why we celebrate making The World’s 50 Best list – shouldn’t we be distancing ourselves from it? Learn more in this video.

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Piedmont up and down January 29, 2023

Piedmont up and down January 29, 2023

Get ready for the brand new year’s first wine event at Nobelhart, hosted by none other than our intrepid sommelier Andreas Seiser. What comes to mind when you think of Piedmont? Perhaps hazelnuts, truffles or arneis. Arneis? Yes, indeed – that’s one of the Langhe’s local white grape varieties…

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New Years 2022/2023

New Years 2022/2023

New Year’s Eve costs more. It just does. That’s what happens when even the amateurs are out looking for a good pour. It’s one of the few times of the year when seats are reliably scarce and restaurant owners really have something to toast.
We’re no different…

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The World’s 17th Best

The World’s 17th Best

It’s old news by now: last week, we made an incredible 17th place on this year’s The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list. And when we say incredible, we mean it…

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Schnapsdinner for Eat! Berlin 2022, November 2, 2022

Schnapsdinner for Eat! Berlin 2022, November 2, 2022

We’ve hosted dinners to celebrate all sorts of drinks. However, there is one class of spirit we’ve sorely neglected thus far: fruit brandy, a.k.a. eau de vie.
On occasion of this year’s Berlin, we’ll finally pay our dues to the rightful rulers of the alcoholic kingdom, for that is what spirits are.

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We get more expensive at the restaurant

We get more expensive at the restaurant

From July, we’ll be adjusting our prices. On Tuesday and Wednesday, our supper will cost €135, from Thursday to Saturday and before public holidays we’ll be charging €155…

Our supper costs you €120 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays; from Thursday to Saturday and before public holidays, our menu is €145…

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Form, Function, Fluff

Form, Function, Fluff

No fluff, no kitsch, no industrial chocolate: This lovely Bauhaus easter bunny is a very special collaboration between pars pralinen, Omer Polak and Nobelhart & Schmutzig…

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Ukraine Charity Tour with Mirali Dilbazi

Ukraine Charity Tour with Mirali Dilbazi

You haven’t heard of Kyiv’s Mirali? Well, you should have. After all, Mirali Dilbazi and his team are doing something that is stellar in its own right and, beyond that, mostly unheard of in their native Eastern Europe: a product-focussed, agriculturally-oriented take on Ukrainian cuisine, straddling tradition and innovation.

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29th of January 2022, Wine evening with Sept winery

29th of January 2022, Wine evening with Sept winery

In January 2020 Billy travelled to Beirut, just on the heels of the peaceful protests that had gripped the country for months. The tension was still palpable, says Billy – but what truly impressed him was the people’s joie de vivre in the face of difficulty…

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New Year’s Eve 2021/2022

New Year’s Eve 2021/2022

An Silvester trinken auch Amateur*Innen gerne außerhäusig. Zum Jahresabschluss haben irgendwie immer alle Durst – und nach letzten zwei Jahren sowieso. Wer da nüchtern ins Bett geht, dem*der ist auch nicht zu helfen.

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The Henrik Möbitz Retrospective

The Henrik Möbitz Retrospective

Henrik Möbitz is one of those precious few winemakers whose work has been a constant source of inspiration (and libation) to Billy Wagner throughout the past 15 years …

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Not just for Ladies and Gents

Not just for Ladies and Gents

To some it might only be a restroom sign. To others – ourselves included – it’s a stubborn artefact of a society badly in need of change. Read more about how (and why) we’re bringing inclusivity to Nobelhart’s bathroom.

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Nobelhart & Daheim

Nobelhart & Daheim

A full meal prepared by Micha Schäfer and his team, inspired by whatever is cooking at Nobelhart & Schmutzig at the moment. For pick-up or delivery, for you alone or as many people as you’d like to invite. We’ve done all the prep work, so you won’t even need grumpy Micha in your kitchen.

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Week 20 Nobelhart & Daheim

Week 20 Nobelhart & Daheim

Your very own Nobelhart care package comes with a full meal prepared by Micha Schäfer, a bottle or two from our well-stocked cellar and everything else you you need to get that Nobelhart feeling…

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Week 19 Nobelhart & Daheim

Week 19 Nobelhart & Daheim

Please note: It’s German Mother’s Day on May 10th! Get your supper delivered on Saturday the 9th to treat your mother to a fabulous Nobelhart dinner on Sunday.

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Week 18 Nobelhart & Daheim

Week 18 Nobelhart & Daheim

Please note: It’s German Mother’s Day on May 10th! Get your supper delivered on Saturday the 9th to treat your mother to a fabulous Nobelhart dinner on Sunday.
Your very own Nobelhart care package comes with a full meal prepared by Micha Schäfer, a bottle or two from our well-stocked cellar and everything else you need to get that Nobelhart feeling going in your own home. 

For pick-up or delivery, for you alone or as many people as you’d like to invite. We’ve done all the prep work, so you won’t even need grumpy Micha in your kitchen. 

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Exhibit Opening By Berlin Artist Torben Giehler

Exhibit Opening By Berlin Artist Torben Giehler

From the beginning of the year, we are showing new works by the Berlin artist Torben Giehler at Nobelhart & Schmutzig. We invite you to a glass of Petitant Natural from the winery Brand Bros on February 22, 2020 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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Blackout Dinner’s Second Edition

Blackout Dinner’s Second Edition

It all started back in 2016 when the power went out in Copenhagen. Matt Orlando and the team at Amass had 60 guests to feed but no power. Instead of giving up, they leaned in and ended up creating a truly memorable dining experience…

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Albanian/German Evening at Nobelhart & Schmutzig.

Albanian/German Evening at Nobelhart & Schmutzig.

What, you’ve never been to Albania? That means you probably don’t know Mullixhiu, run by Bledar Kola. You’ve got to go there, Ursula Heinzelmann told me. We listened, and on our way to Greece we took a detour through Albania, …

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EatBerlin Festival: Swiss Wine at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

EatBerlin Festival: Swiss Wine at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

Domaine Julien Guillon is visiting Germany for the first time. The director of this festival isn’t a fan of natural wines, or at the very least is highly skeptical of them. Wagner, the owner here at Nobelhart & Schmutzig, doesn’t much like absolutes…

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Student Deal

Student Deal

Don’t have rich parents? Your big-shot lawyer aunt from the US isn’t planning to visit anytime soon? We get it: KONAK GRILL – iZMiR KÖFTECiSi’s extra spicy köfte plate is great every once in a while, but sometimes you just find yourself wanting to have something special. And so you should. Even if you’re on a student budget…

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The Grand Gelinaz Shuffle – We’re Staying Here!

The Grand Gelinaz Shuffle – We’re Staying Here!

We were in Istanbul last year, cooking with Mehmet Gürs from Mikla. Not long before that, the superb Hans Haas and Siggi from Munich’s Tantris journeyed to cook with us here in Berlin. We and others travel regularly, seeking out contact and dialog to help…

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Kristiane Kegelmann Exhibition

Kristiane Kegelmann Exhibition

Kristiane Kegelmann to take over the space between the glass and curtains of their shop window. During this period, the restaurant’s traditional small treat for the way home will be a praline of Kegelmann’s label PARS Pralinen. Head-Chef Micha Schäfer and…

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Winter is coming & New Year’s Eve 2019/2020

Winter is coming & New Year’s Eve 2019/2020

The show must go on, even on Sunday, 1 December — the day of the RAW Wine Fair at Markthalle Neun. We for our part intend to drain quite a few extra bottles in its honor at Nobelhart & Schmutzig. As every year, we’ll be taking a few days off for Christmas (24 – 26 December). Otherwise we’ll be…

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Azienda Agricola Case Basse with Mauro & Valeria Soldera

Azienda Agricola Case Basse with Mauro & Valeria Soldera

It’s been a while since we last gave ourselves over completely to one single winegrowing estate.
It’s time, and mama mia! What an estate we’ve chosen.
It’ll cost you a whopping 830 euros per head to sit in with us, meal and water included. There are precisely 14 seats.

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Blackout Dinner Berlin

Blackout Dinner Berlin

It all started back in 2016 when the power went out in Copenhagen. Matt Orlando and the team at Amass had 60 guests to feed but no power. Instead of giving up, they leaned in and ended up creating a truly memorable dining experience.
The following March, Amass decided to launch his first Black Out Dinner, inviting guest chefs from Brighton, Paris and Copenhagen to take part…

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Uwe Schiefer is coming to Berlin!

Uwe Schiefer is coming to Berlin!

I’ve known Uwe Schiefer for a long time. In fact, back when I first met him, people were maybe aware that there were some decent wines in the Wachau and Kamptal regions. Beyond that, Austrian reds were, with very few exceptions, terra incognita. If people did happen to know about red wine from…

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A night with Heinzelcheese at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

A night with Heinzelcheese at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

The Cheese Berlin festival at Markthalle Neun (2 – 4 November 2018) will culminate with a grand showdown on 5 November 2018 at Nobelhart & Schmutzig. Some of the world’s best cheesemakers will be in our fair city. That’s right, here in Berlin — in a region not particularly known for its local cheesy…

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At Last — Vina Tondonia is coming to Berlin!

At Last — Vina Tondonia is coming to Berlin!

It was only a matter of time before we hosted an evening focused on Spanish wine. And it was equally clear that R. Lopez de Heredia Vina Tondonia would be the only winegrowing estate we could possible start with. It’s taken us two years to wheedle the family that runs the estate into a YES — we’ll come to Berlin…

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Winter is coming & New Year’s Eve 2018/2019

Winter is coming & New Year’s Eve 2018/2019

As every year, we’ll be taking a few days off for Christmas (24 – 26 December). Otherwise we’ll be welcoming guests as normal, Tuesday through Saturday, during the Advent season. Sundays we’re either at church or at Berghain, or maybe both, and Mondays are…

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Feel the V

Feel the V

We are what we eat. In fact, eating itself is a political act, and what we consume impacts our society. These considerations drive us to champion the consistent use of natural products from our region and inform our position against standardized foodstuffs. We reject mass production based exclusively on price, not origin, that floods local markets with…

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A week of natural beauties and sweet delights

A week of natural beauties and sweet delights

Normally we take Sunday off. Packing the pews, of course. But on May 13, Berghain will just have to get by without us. Sunday or not, we’ll be welcoming guests to our eatery. Why? The RAW wine weekend is returning to Berlin. Please note that on Saturday, May 12 Nobelhart & Schmutzig will be hosting a special…

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Our prices are going up

Our prices are going up

We’ve made many new investments into Nobelhart & Schmutzig in recent months. Investments in the employees who’ve shown us long-term loyalty and in equipment for the restaurant — at this point our kitchen is almost exclusively using stainless steel and clay instead of plastic. We’ve also invested in the quality of the products, especially in the wine…

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A Natural Wine Legend at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

A Natural Wine Legend at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

Wagner’s been drinking le vin since 2001. He trained under Ivan Jakir, at the time the restaurant director and sommelier at one of Germany’s best restaurants, Essigbrätlein in Nuremberg (2 stars, 18 points blah blah blah, just trust us you should go). And the lessons Wagner learned there continue to shape him even today…

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Trantris does Berlin

Trantris does Berlin

It’s easy for Billy to pinpoint his Eureka moment, when a fundamental part of his understanding of wine fell into place. It came during his visit to Dominik Huber, a former potager from Munich now running the Terroir al Limit estate in the lovely Catalonia district of Priorat. That same weekend happened to bring the young Eichbauers, also from Munich,…

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New Year’s Eve 2017/2018

New Year’s Eve 2017/2018

New Year’s Eve costs more. It just does. That’s what happens when even the amateurs are out looking for a good pour. It’s one of the few times of the year when seats are reliably scarce and restaurant owners really have something to toast. But tried-and-tested ain’t our thing. What better time than the end of the year to pull a few unusual corks. We’re exiling…

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Salted Celeriac

Salted Celeriac

The recipe was inspired by Sebastian Frank. Sebastian Frank is the owner and head chef at Restaurant Horváth on Paul-Lincke-Ufer in Berlin Kreuzberg. His version involved cooking the celeriac in a salt crust. The idea stayed with us, and we were moved to come up with our own interpretation. Wash and dry the celery root and bury it completely in salt…

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Asparagus / Salsify

Asparagus / Salsify

White asparagus has come to represent German cuisine like no other product. We are proud to draw our share of this “white gold” from Teltower Rübchen. This farm works solely with the rhythms and products of nature: no plastic wrapping to speed up the process, and nothing but horse dung as fertilizer. We keep our role to a minimum as well by adding only a…

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My Companion

My Companion

The distinguished ladies and gents in the world’s oldest profession have seen it all. So we have to admit a certain pride when the pros at Hetaera and Wayfare Escorts give our eatery their blessing. If you want real rare air, though, you’ve got to go for the improbable. Like, say, building an atmosphere where escorts and their dates can dine happily right next to Millennials trying to impress…

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Winter is coming

Winter is coming

Last year during December we welcomed guests six days a week. It was a bit much. Here’s our new schedule through the end of the year: Sunday, 27 November 2016 – OPEN BECAUSE OF THE RAW WINE FAIR, Monday, 28 November 2016 – OPEN – SPECIAL EVENT WITH EMIDIO PEPE…

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Ten years of Nobelhart

Ten years of Nobelhart

Sometimes, things go wrong in the best possible way. We’re thinking here of the tiny, insignificant mishap that happened to Micha just ahead of our opening on February 11th, 2025. You see, as we were in the midst of our preparations, …

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A Brand New Burgundy: Vin Noé

A Brand New Burgundy: Vin Noé

High-priced, exclusive, heavy with tradition. Burgundy’s certainly got a reputation, and it’s not for nothing either. But the last 15 years have ushered in some exciting new developments, and a different set of associations now comes to mind. Burgundy? …

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We’re letting it rip this New Year’s Eve!

We’re letting it rip this New Year’s Eve!

Yes, we’ve only been serving six courses since April, but we’re not letting that stop us – on New Year’s Eve, different rules apply. We’ll be cooking up a storm of Nobelhart winter favourites, 10 courses in total…

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Are kids welcome at Nobelhart & Schmutzig?

Are kids welcome at Nobelhart & Schmutzig?

A few days ago we received an email that really made us think. A guest was asking whether they could possibly bring along their 8-year-old daughter, understanding, of course, that children might not be welcome, that our restaurant might be for adults only…

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KAFD™ – No AfD, ever

KAFD™ – No AfD, ever

We are German’s most political restaurant. KAFD™ is #politicalfashion. Their sweatshirts, hoodies, t-shirts and scarfs are not just produced in Europe from 100% certified eco-materials, but they carry a message that is now more important than ever: KAFD – No AfD…

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Königsberger Klopse –  Tuesday till Thursday in March

Königsberger Klopse – Tuesday till Thursday in March

Königsberger Klopse are one of the few authentic classics of North German cuisine – deliciously moreish little meatballs made of veal in creamy white sauce with capers. Any self-respecting German grandma has her own signature recipe, and we’d be loath to compete with that…

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New Year’s Eve 2023/2024

New Year’s Eve 2023/2024

So let’s be clear: Things are just a little different in 2023. That’s why we’ve got two options for you to spend a properly Nobelhart New Year’s Eve…

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Your Christmas party at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

Your Christmas party at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

Call it what you will: your company Christmas party, the annual piss up, etc. Either way, the year is nearly over, and that calls for a celebration. Gather your colleagues, family or friends and join us for an uncomplicated but satisfying…

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Pork Roast Wednesday & Thursday

Pork Roast Wednesday & Thursday

If you were going to watch your cholesterol, don’t expect us to help. It’ll be worth it though, promise: from the 4th of October, we’d love for you to join us for a deliciously juicy pork roast….

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A very special Sunday opening (15 October 2023)

A very special Sunday opening (15 October 2023)

Sundays are sacred to Billy, but with Benoît Tarlant in town, we thought we might as well open the whole restaurant. So if you’re usually busy between Tuesdays and Saturdays, here is your opportunity to come and spend a Nobelhart evening. We’ll be charging 175 EUR for the menu…

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2023 – Our recommendations while we are on vacation

2023 – Our recommendations while we are on vacation

So, at this point you’ve figured out that we’re closed for our summer break. Chances are we’re at the beach or enjoying an ice cream – perhaps both. None of which is very helpful for you, we know. You’re probably hungry and looking for someplace to get a bite to eat and maybe something nice to wash it down with.

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Chicken Wednesday

Chicken Wednesday

There are breast people and there are leg people. We don’t play favourites – at least not when it comes to Odefey + Toechter chicken, easily the best this side of the Republic …

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The World’s 17th Best

The World’s 17th Best

Some people ask us why we celebrate making The World’s 50 Best list – shouldn’t we be distancing ourselves from it? Learn more in this video.

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Piedmont up and down January 29, 2023

Piedmont up and down January 29, 2023

Get ready for the brand new year’s first wine event at Nobelhart, hosted by none other than our intrepid sommelier Andreas Seiser. What comes to mind when you think of Piedmont? Perhaps hazelnuts, truffles or arneis. Arneis? Yes, indeed – that’s one of the Langhe’s local white grape varieties…

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New Years 2022/2023

New Years 2022/2023

New Year’s Eve costs more. It just does. That’s what happens when even the amateurs are out looking for a good pour. It’s one of the few times of the year when seats are reliably scarce and restaurant owners really have something to toast.
We’re no different…

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The World’s 17th Best

The World’s 17th Best

It’s old news by now: last week, we made an incredible 17th place on this year’s The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list. And when we say incredible, we mean it…

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Schnapsdinner for Eat! Berlin 2022, November 2, 2022

Schnapsdinner for Eat! Berlin 2022, November 2, 2022

We’ve hosted dinners to celebrate all sorts of drinks. However, there is one class of spirit we’ve sorely neglected thus far: fruit brandy, a.k.a. eau de vie.
On occasion of this year’s Berlin, we’ll finally pay our dues to the rightful rulers of the alcoholic kingdom, for that is what spirits are.

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We get more expensive at the restaurant

We get more expensive at the restaurant

From July, we’ll be adjusting our prices. On Tuesday and Wednesday, our supper will cost €135, from Thursday to Saturday and before public holidays we’ll be charging €155…

Our supper costs you €120 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays; from Thursday to Saturday and before public holidays, our menu is €145…

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Form, Function, Fluff

Form, Function, Fluff

No fluff, no kitsch, no industrial chocolate: This lovely Bauhaus easter bunny is a very special collaboration between pars pralinen, Omer Polak and Nobelhart & Schmutzig…

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Ukraine Charity Tour with Mirali Dilbazi

Ukraine Charity Tour with Mirali Dilbazi

You haven’t heard of Kyiv’s Mirali? Well, you should have. After all, Mirali Dilbazi and his team are doing something that is stellar in its own right and, beyond that, mostly unheard of in their native Eastern Europe: a product-focussed, agriculturally-oriented take on Ukrainian cuisine, straddling tradition and innovation.

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29th of January 2022, Wine evening with Sept winery

29th of January 2022, Wine evening with Sept winery

In January 2020 Billy travelled to Beirut, just on the heels of the peaceful protests that had gripped the country for months. The tension was still palpable, says Billy – but what truly impressed him was the people’s joie de vivre in the face of difficulty…

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New Year’s Eve 2021/2022

New Year’s Eve 2021/2022

An Silvester trinken auch Amateur*Innen gerne außerhäusig. Zum Jahresabschluss haben irgendwie immer alle Durst – und nach letzten zwei Jahren sowieso. Wer da nüchtern ins Bett geht, dem*der ist auch nicht zu helfen.

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The Henrik Möbitz Retrospective

The Henrik Möbitz Retrospective

Henrik Möbitz is one of those precious few winemakers whose work has been a constant source of inspiration (and libation) to Billy Wagner throughout the past 15 years …

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Not just for Ladies and Gents

Not just for Ladies and Gents

To some it might only be a restroom sign. To others – ourselves included – it’s a stubborn artefact of a society badly in need of change. Read more about how (and why) we’re bringing inclusivity to Nobelhart’s bathroom.

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Nobelhart & Daheim

Nobelhart & Daheim

A full meal prepared by Micha Schäfer and his team, inspired by whatever is cooking at Nobelhart & Schmutzig at the moment. For pick-up or delivery, for you alone or as many people as you’d like to invite. We’ve done all the prep work, so you won’t even need grumpy Micha in your kitchen.

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Week 20 Nobelhart & Daheim

Week 20 Nobelhart & Daheim

Your very own Nobelhart care package comes with a full meal prepared by Micha Schäfer, a bottle or two from our well-stocked cellar and everything else you you need to get that Nobelhart feeling…

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Week 19 Nobelhart & Daheim

Week 19 Nobelhart & Daheim

Please note: It’s German Mother’s Day on May 10th! Get your supper delivered on Saturday the 9th to treat your mother to a fabulous Nobelhart dinner on Sunday.

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Week 18 Nobelhart & Daheim

Week 18 Nobelhart & Daheim

Please note: It’s German Mother’s Day on May 10th! Get your supper delivered on Saturday the 9th to treat your mother to a fabulous Nobelhart dinner on Sunday.
Your very own Nobelhart care package comes with a full meal prepared by Micha Schäfer, a bottle or two from our well-stocked cellar and everything else you need to get that Nobelhart feeling going in your own home. 

For pick-up or delivery, for you alone or as many people as you’d like to invite. We’ve done all the prep work, so you won’t even need grumpy Micha in your kitchen. 

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Exhibit Opening By Berlin Artist Torben Giehler

Exhibit Opening By Berlin Artist Torben Giehler

From the beginning of the year, we are showing new works by the Berlin artist Torben Giehler at Nobelhart & Schmutzig. We invite you to a glass of Petitant Natural from the winery Brand Bros on February 22, 2020 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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Blackout Dinner’s Second Edition

Blackout Dinner’s Second Edition

It all started back in 2016 when the power went out in Copenhagen. Matt Orlando and the team at Amass had 60 guests to feed but no power. Instead of giving up, they leaned in and ended up creating a truly memorable dining experience…

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Albanian/German Evening at Nobelhart & Schmutzig.

Albanian/German Evening at Nobelhart & Schmutzig.

What, you’ve never been to Albania? That means you probably don’t know Mullixhiu, run by Bledar Kola. You’ve got to go there, Ursula Heinzelmann told me. We listened, and on our way to Greece we took a detour through Albania, …

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EatBerlin Festival: Swiss Wine at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

EatBerlin Festival: Swiss Wine at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

Domaine Julien Guillon is visiting Germany for the first time. The director of this festival isn’t a fan of natural wines, or at the very least is highly skeptical of them. Wagner, the owner here at Nobelhart & Schmutzig, doesn’t much like absolutes…

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Student Deal

Student Deal

Don’t have rich parents? Your big-shot lawyer aunt from the US isn’t planning to visit anytime soon? We get it: KONAK GRILL – iZMiR KÖFTECiSi’s extra spicy köfte plate is great every once in a while, but sometimes you just find yourself wanting to have something special. And so you should. Even if you’re on a student budget…

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The Grand Gelinaz Shuffle – We’re Staying Here!

The Grand Gelinaz Shuffle – We’re Staying Here!

We were in Istanbul last year, cooking with Mehmet Gürs from Mikla. Not long before that, the superb Hans Haas and Siggi from Munich’s Tantris journeyed to cook with us here in Berlin. We and others travel regularly, seeking out contact and dialog to help…

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Kristiane Kegelmann Exhibition

Kristiane Kegelmann Exhibition

Kristiane Kegelmann to take over the space between the glass and curtains of their shop window. During this period, the restaurant’s traditional small treat for the way home will be a praline of Kegelmann’s label PARS Pralinen. Head-Chef Micha Schäfer and…

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Winter is coming & New Year’s Eve 2019/2020

Winter is coming & New Year’s Eve 2019/2020

The show must go on, even on Sunday, 1 December — the day of the RAW Wine Fair at Markthalle Neun. We for our part intend to drain quite a few extra bottles in its honor at Nobelhart & Schmutzig. As every year, we’ll be taking a few days off for Christmas (24 – 26 December). Otherwise we’ll be…

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Azienda Agricola Case Basse with Mauro & Valeria Soldera

Azienda Agricola Case Basse with Mauro & Valeria Soldera

It’s been a while since we last gave ourselves over completely to one single winegrowing estate.
It’s time, and mama mia! What an estate we’ve chosen.
It’ll cost you a whopping 830 euros per head to sit in with us, meal and water included. There are precisely 14 seats.

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Blackout Dinner Berlin

Blackout Dinner Berlin

It all started back in 2016 when the power went out in Copenhagen. Matt Orlando and the team at Amass had 60 guests to feed but no power. Instead of giving up, they leaned in and ended up creating a truly memorable dining experience.
The following March, Amass decided to launch his first Black Out Dinner, inviting guest chefs from Brighton, Paris and Copenhagen to take part…

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Uwe Schiefer is coming to Berlin!

Uwe Schiefer is coming to Berlin!

I’ve known Uwe Schiefer for a long time. In fact, back when I first met him, people were maybe aware that there were some decent wines in the Wachau and Kamptal regions. Beyond that, Austrian reds were, with very few exceptions, terra incognita. If people did happen to know about red wine from…

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A night with Heinzelcheese at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

A night with Heinzelcheese at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

The Cheese Berlin festival at Markthalle Neun (2 – 4 November 2018) will culminate with a grand showdown on 5 November 2018 at Nobelhart & Schmutzig. Some of the world’s best cheesemakers will be in our fair city. That’s right, here in Berlin — in a region not particularly known for its local cheesy…

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At Last — Vina Tondonia is coming to Berlin!

At Last — Vina Tondonia is coming to Berlin!

It was only a matter of time before we hosted an evening focused on Spanish wine. And it was equally clear that R. Lopez de Heredia Vina Tondonia would be the only winegrowing estate we could possible start with. It’s taken us two years to wheedle the family that runs the estate into a YES — we’ll come to Berlin…

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Winter is coming & New Year’s Eve 2018/2019

Winter is coming & New Year’s Eve 2018/2019

As every year, we’ll be taking a few days off for Christmas (24 – 26 December). Otherwise we’ll be welcoming guests as normal, Tuesday through Saturday, during the Advent season. Sundays we’re either at church or at Berghain, or maybe both, and Mondays are…

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Feel the V

Feel the V

We are what we eat. In fact, eating itself is a political act, and what we consume impacts our society. These considerations drive us to champion the consistent use of natural products from our region and inform our position against standardized foodstuffs. We reject mass production based exclusively on price, not origin, that floods local markets with…

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A week of natural beauties and sweet delights

A week of natural beauties and sweet delights

Normally we take Sunday off. Packing the pews, of course. But on May 13, Berghain will just have to get by without us. Sunday or not, we’ll be welcoming guests to our eatery. Why? The RAW wine weekend is returning to Berlin. Please note that on Saturday, May 12 Nobelhart & Schmutzig will be hosting a special…

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Our prices are going up

Our prices are going up

We’ve made many new investments into Nobelhart & Schmutzig in recent months. Investments in the employees who’ve shown us long-term loyalty and in equipment for the restaurant — at this point our kitchen is almost exclusively using stainless steel and clay instead of plastic. We’ve also invested in the quality of the products, especially in the wine…

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A Natural Wine Legend at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

A Natural Wine Legend at Nobelhart & Schmutzig

Wagner’s been drinking le vin since 2001. He trained under Ivan Jakir, at the time the restaurant director and sommelier at one of Germany’s best restaurants, Essigbrätlein in Nuremberg (2 stars, 18 points blah blah blah, just trust us you should go). And the lessons Wagner learned there continue to shape him even today…

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Trantris does Berlin

Trantris does Berlin

It’s easy for Billy to pinpoint his Eureka moment, when a fundamental part of his understanding of wine fell into place. It came during his visit to Dominik Huber, a former potager from Munich now running the Terroir al Limit estate in the lovely Catalonia district of Priorat. That same weekend happened to bring the young Eichbauers, also from Munich,…

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New Year’s Eve 2017/2018

New Year’s Eve 2017/2018

New Year’s Eve costs more. It just does. That’s what happens when even the amateurs are out looking for a good pour. It’s one of the few times of the year when seats are reliably scarce and restaurant owners really have something to toast. But tried-and-tested ain’t our thing. What better time than the end of the year to pull a few unusual corks. We’re exiling…

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Salted Celeriac

Salted Celeriac

The recipe was inspired by Sebastian Frank. Sebastian Frank is the owner and head chef at Restaurant Horváth on Paul-Lincke-Ufer in Berlin Kreuzberg. His version involved cooking the celeriac in a salt crust. The idea stayed with us, and we were moved to come up with our own interpretation. Wash and dry the celery root and bury it completely in salt…

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Asparagus / Salsify

Asparagus / Salsify

White asparagus has come to represent German cuisine like no other product. We are proud to draw our share of this “white gold” from Teltower Rübchen. This farm works solely with the rhythms and products of nature: no plastic wrapping to speed up the process, and nothing but horse dung as fertilizer. We keep our role to a minimum as well by adding only a…

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My Companion

My Companion

The distinguished ladies and gents in the world’s oldest profession have seen it all. So we have to admit a certain pride when the pros at Hetaera and Wayfare Escorts give our eatery their blessing. If you want real rare air, though, you’ve got to go for the improbable. Like, say, building an atmosphere where escorts and their dates can dine happily right next to Millennials trying to impress…

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Winter is coming

Winter is coming

Last year during December we welcomed guests six days a week. It was a bit much. Here’s our new schedule through the end of the year: Sunday, 27 November 2016 – OPEN BECAUSE OF THE RAW WINE FAIR, Monday, 28 November 2016 – OPEN – SPECIAL EVENT WITH EMIDIO PEPE…

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